Saturday, December 24, 2011

A variety of work you'll love...

Happy are some cool links to artists you may or may not know. Keeps the creative juices going to check out what others are doing:

Josh Cochran:

Ian McQue:

John Grade:

Edel Rodriguez:

David Fullarton:

Also keep in mind some new work I will be showing January 1-15 at Hangart in SF. Opening reception: Thursday, January 5.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Working....(not blogging)

The love/hate relationship with my blog continues...

Sorry to have been away so long, but I've been working on 5 paintings to be included in a group show in January....(First Thursday January 5th at Hangart in San Francisco for those of you in town.) Here is a quick preview of the work. Let me know what you think. Thanks very much. More to come soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Work is the only way...

_The process has no rules. You need imagination and ideas and creativity to move you through a problem. Hope it strikes, mostly it doesn't. Work is the only way. As I write these words, (and reread them, astonished), I know I don't follow my own advice. Hopefully you do, but you probably don't. 

Work is the only way. 

_Do something different. (Did I just say that?) So simple to grasp, nearly impossible to carry out. Inspiration comes from the most underrated sources and at the most inopportune times. makes sense, if you're stuck, to move through one media to get to another, and another. I'm primarily a collage artist and painter.....2D to the max. So it is with great pleasure I present to you the two images below. Maybe they suck...but that is not the point...making something is the point. Clay and the Retro Camera app on my phone. Boom. I feel good. You?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

On commissioned work...

There is a fear surrounding commission work. Actually there are a number of them. 

I've spoken to folks about their experiences with commissions, (from both the artist side and the buyer side.) Most have tilted towards the positive...but when they go wrong, they really go wrong. I once did a commission for a guy who had been collecting some work and had a specific idea about 2 large canvases representing the nature of man and the nature of God. It took a few months to complete the work, but I was pleased with the results. The problem: the guy went AWOL. No longer returned my calls or the gallery calls. When I finally did reach him, he said "I can't go through with the commission." That was it. Ultimately, (after a few years),  the work sold and I got lucky. But some artists I've talked to haven't been so lucky. Make sure you ask many questions and even put together a basic contract to protect yourself. This applies to both creating and commissioning work.

That said, I've just completed a work for friends that I wanted to share. I know them very well, so working symbols into the painting was a little easier. Matt is a big fan of all things Boston, so I started there. I wanted the work to contain both an overall feel and many intricate little stories that take place when you move closer. I've included the finish piece along with the image of the Green Monster that inspired the piece. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

New work_July 22, 2011

Man, this is going to feel good.

In advance of bringing these pieces to the fine people at Hang Art Gallery (, I wanted to put them here for you to see. Lately, it seems the work is taking longer to complete and I've been wondering why that is. Looking at the final images for these paintings, it is apparent that I'm becoming more deliberate with my compositions. That, to me, is pretty exciting as trying to "control" the work has always been one of my biggest challenges. Also, I'm employing much more subtlety when working with color. These advancements could be a product of age and I'm happy about that. My lovely wife tells me to "Be where you are." That advice is beginning to make more sense.

Also, I recently completed a proposal book for the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art. You can view selected pages here....

Make a comment (or even purchase one, if you like.)

As always, I appreciate your support. Let me know what you think.

Monday, May 30, 2011

New work pics coming, but until then.....

For all you Burning Man fans: This is a picture of the incredible sculpture "Bliss" which was created and installed on Treasure Island on the SF Bay. My friend, Erin, was raving about it and her enthusiasm was contagious. This structure is awesome...huge AND delicate. If in the area, I strongly suggest checking it out......(and there are wineries on Treasure Island too, who knew.)
If not in the area, slightly more info here: 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Wishing the best for all the mothers and grandmothers on this special day. I've included the Mother's Day card presented to my lovely wife, Malia. Yes...that's how it is around here, can't really buy a card, can I?

My work will be up at Bocanova Restaurant in Jack London Square until late June. Beautiful place. Go check it out if you are in town.

One of my fave contemporary artists to expand your mind: Keep in Photoshop used. It's sick.

Also working on some new work. Recently I've been interested in both the design and meaning behind Totem poles. I'll post some "in progress" photos soon.